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Voice of the Child

What do we mean by ‘the child’s voice’?

‘The child’s voice’ not only refers to what children say directly, but also to many other aspects of their presentation. It means listening to them, and seeing their experiences from their point of view.

Why is the child’s voice important?

  • Children feel listened to
  • When children are involved, plans are more successful
  • We can see their experience, from their point of view
  • Children can develop their own story about what is happening in their lives
  • Watch the short clip Was Not Heard video clip (YouTube)

In Addition….

  • When working with children/young people it is essential to gain a clear picture of their wishes, thoughts and feelings. It is good practice to ask the child/young person which practitioner they would like to gather this information from them.
  • Research highlights that there are many barriers for children/young people in asking practitioners for help and to talk about their worries and concerns so they can be addressed.

Resources to Support your Work in Capturing the Voice of the Child:

Day in My Life Tool (All ages and including children with SEND)

Always, sometimes, never

Always, sometimes, never – Pre School Early Primary Child

Always, sometimes, never – Primary School Child

Always, sometimes, never – Teenager

Always, sometimes, never – Child with a disability

Do you have any other creative ways that you use to capture the voice of the children you work with and are happy to share thee with others? If so please email