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Safe Sleeping

For more videos and information on safer sleeping please visit the Lullaby Trust page here: The Lullaby Trust safer sleep video resources – The Lullaby Trust

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden and unexplained death of a baby where no cause is found. While SIDS is rare, it can still happen and there are steps parents and carers can take to help reduce the chance of this tragedy occurring.

As professionals, it’s important you know and can talk to families about Safe Sleeping.



We are still struggling to understand the mechanisms that cause unexplained deaths in infancy, therefore it is not possible for any manufacturer to say that a particular product will prevent SIDS. It is possible, however, to significantly lower the chances of it happening by following this safer sleep guidance. This advice is based on strong scientific evidence where, unlike many products, safety has been proven. You should try to follow the advice for all sleep periods where possible, not just at night.

For more information go to the Lullaby Trust site


– Always place your baby on their back to sleep

– Keep your baby smoke free during pregnancy and after birth

– Place your baby to sleep in a separate cot or Moses basket in the same room as you for the first 6 months

– Breastfeed your baby

– Use a firm, flat, waterproof mattress in good condition


– Never sleep on a sofa or in an armchair with your baby

– Don’t sleep in the same bed as your baby if you smoke, drink, take drugs or are extremely tired, if your baby was born prematurely or was of low birth-weight

– Avoid letting your baby get too hot

– Don’t cover your baby’s face or head while sleeping or use loose bedding

– If you use baby slings, make sure you follow the Lullaby Trust safety guidance