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Channel is a multi-agency process for identifying, referring and supporting a person at risk of radicalisation, focusing on early intervention and engagement. Through Channel we aim to:

  • Identify people at risk of being drawn into terrorism
  • Assess the nature and extent of the that risk; and
  • Develop at the most appropriate support plan for the individual or individuals concerned

Participation in Channel is voluntary and can lead to a wide package of support, such as mentoring, life skills, therapies, housing support, and drug and alcohol support. This is delivered by agencies working together from across the children and adult’s workforce, such as local authority, health, education, police, and voluntary and community organisations. Where the support needs can’t be met through existing mainstream provision locally, the panel can access specialist support, including Channel intervention providers, approved by the Home Office.

Who can receive support through Channel?

Support through Channel may be appropriate for anyone who is vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. This includes children or adults of any faith or ethnicity or background. The aim is to reach people before their vulnerabilities are exploited by those who want to them embrace terrorism and they are drawn into committing terrorist-related activity.

Channel is not suitable for anyone who you believe has, or is about to, commit a criminal offence. In this instance you should contact the police for an emergency response.

What do I do if I have a concern?

If you have any concerns about an individual possibly being drawn into or supporting terrorism, assess them first with your manager. If this is not possible, or if, having considered the case, you still believe there may be grounds for a Channel referral complete the Prevent National Referral Form (August 2024)

You can also contact any of the following to discuss the case if you are unsure whether a referral is required:

Sussex Police Prevent Team:
Telephone: 101 | Ext. 531355


Local Channel Panel Chair

For West Sussex:
Beverly Knight
Community Safety and Wellbeing, WSCC
Telephone: 0330 222 4223 | Mobile: 0789 458 9071

To find out more about what happens when you contact Channel practitioners, see the guidance on National Referral Form Guidance (August 2024)

Prevent National Referral Form (August 2024)