Home – West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership
We are currently working to update this website to reflect the changes in the newly published Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023
View Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023
Monday 25th November – Friday 29th November
Join us for a week of engaging 1 hour briefings, a one-day face to face conference and lots of other exciting information to improve your safeguarding knowledge and strengthen your practice
More information coming soon – WATCH THIS SPACE!
Your Mind Matters is a county council led campaign which aims to ensure young people, parents and professionals across West Sussex know where to get help with their emotional wellbeing and mental health, both in general and in times of crisis.
The campaign brings together partners including local authorities, NHS providers, charitable sector, community groups and police. It is a collaboration with Foundations For Our Future, which is part way through a two year programme to bring about significant improvement.
West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership – Our Vision
Our vision for the West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership is to develop “an assured Safeguarding Partnership, which collectively engages with children and their families, enabling them to thrive.”
Working in the local community we have the opportunity to shape our multi-agency safeguarding arrangements to continue to improve our services to children, young people and their families. It is clear from recent local developments that a strong and purposeful multi-agency approach to child protection is essential to drive swift and sustainable improvements to practice in key areas of child abuse, such as neglect.
I – Infant crying is normal
C – Comforting methods can sometimes soothe the baby
O – It’s OK to walk away for a few minutes if you have checked the baby is safe and the crying is getting to you )
N – Never, ever shake a baby
What is the DadPad? It’s the essential guide for new dads available as an app or direct on the web, developed with the NHS.