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About Us

Everyone has a role in keeping children safe and free from harm.

West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership 

As detailed in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023, new statutory requirements require three lead agencies: the health partnership, police and local authorities to work together as joint and equal partners to shape bespoke arrangements which respond to local need. This provides our newly formed partnership with the opportunity to implement the necessary changes identified in Wood’s Report.

In West Sussex we are using the recently revised legislative provisions[1] as a catalyst to reshape our multi-agency safeguarding arrangements. We recognise that our West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSSCP) needs to continue to improve our services to children, young people and their families. It is clear from recent local developments that a strong and purposeful multi-agency approach to child protection is essential to drive swift and sustainable improvements to practice in key areas of child abuse, such as neglect.

Our vision for the new West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership is to develop “an assured Safeguarding Partnership, which collectively engages with children and their families, enabling them to thrive.”

[1] Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 and Children and Social Work Act 2017


Our ‘Working Together’ as a Partnership is underpinned by six non-negotiable principles and values:

  • Honesty and respectful challenge of one another
  • Active participation by everyone
  • Always asking ‘so what’ is the impact?
  • Being guided by the ‘voice of the child’ and our practitioners
  • Sharing the responsibility and risk
  • Holding one another to account for delivery

The WSSCP Communications Strategy outlines how we communicate our key values and key messages across the workforce and the wider community. (Revised Communication Strategy coming soon)


Our vision is to keep children and young people in West Sussex safe by:

  • Coordinating our local safeguarding activity
  • Being a driving force to improve local practice
  • Ensuring that all agencies fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities effectively

Key Documents

Each LSCP is required to produce key documents, such as an Annual Report and Business Plan.