Reporting Concerns
Worried about a child?
If you suspect or believe a child is suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm, including any form of mistreatment or abuse, or if you are concerned about your own behaviour and need advice or support – please read the updated information on how to refer your safeguarding concern to the Integrated Front Door (IFD) by clicking on the link below –
Report a Concern about a Child
Emergency/Out of Hours
If you require the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) outside of office hours (5.00pm-9.00am weekdays) or at weekends and bank holidays, please call 033 022 26664.
If the Emergency Duty Team line is unavailable and you need to report an emergency safeguarding concern, please call 07711 769657. This number does not accept texts.
If a child is in immediate danger or left alone, you should contact the police or call an Ambulance (Call 999). The police operator will need to take your name, address and details of what has happened. This will take time, but it is important to get all of the information from you so that we can send the appropriate resources to you if necessary.
Allegations about a Colleague/Professional
If your concerns or suspicions are about a colleague or professional/carer (including volunteers), you must report them.
Talk to a Manager or Designated Professional, assuming they aren’t implicated. You can also contact the WSCC LADO service. More information, including contact details can be found by clicking on the link below –
West Sussex County Council LADO Contact Details:
The LADOs for West Sussex are Miriam Williams and Donna Tomlinson.
Consultation Contact Number: 0330 222 6450 (Available 09.00 – 17.00)
LADO Service Contact Number: (Available through the Integrated Front Door (IFD) portal) 01403 229900
LADO Service email address:
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
For more information please see Safeguarding Adults Referrals.